Miller Laryngoscope Blades Fiber Optic Reusable

Miller Laryngoscope Blades Fiber Optic Reusable

MILLER Laryngoscope Blades, Fiber Optic


  • Fiberoptic Illumination: Miller blades come with built-in fiberoptic bundles that provide clear and consistent illumination of the larynx during intubation procedures.
  • Durable Construction: These blades are made from high-quality materials, such as stainless steel, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance.
  • Compatibility: Miller laryngoscope blades are designed to be compatible with standard laryngoscope handles, making them versatile and easily interchangeable.
  • A Variety of Sizes: They come in various sizes to accommodate different patient populations, from pediatric to adult, ensuring the right fit for a wide range of intubation scenarios.
  • Halogen fiber optic light offers a cool, bright, and focused light
  • For more details and pricing, please Contact Us!


MILLER Laryngoscope Blade- with a 5-mm diameter fiber-optic light pipe offers bright, focused Xenon light. Satin finish helps reduce glare from blade. Integrated bundle design facilitates cleaning by eliminating crevices and hard-to-reach areas.

Color-coding indicates compatibility with other green systems.


Blade # 0, Neonate, Size 75mm, Blade # 00, Premature, Size 65mm, Blade # 1, Infant, Size 102mm, Blade # 1.5, Small Child Size 130mm, Blade # 2, Chile, Size 155mm, Blade # 3, Medium Adult, Size 195mm, Blade # 4, Large Adult, Size 205mm, Set Of 4 Blades, 1 Battery Handle, Set Of 5 Blades, 1 Battery Handle

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Miller Laryngoscope Blades

The Miller blade Miller laryngoscope blade is a straight blade designed to obtain a view of the vocal cords by directly lifting the epiglottis. It has useful application in ‘floppy’ airways making it popular within paediatric anaesthesia. The Miller laryngoscope is the most commonly used blade today.


Miller found traditional straight blades to be too thick at the base and too short increasing the risk of trauma to the teeth. Miller modified the laryngoscopes popular at the time to make tracheal intubation “easier and more certain”. The Miller blade, Miller laryngoscope blade has a straight blade with a long, curved tip, providing better exposure of the larynx. This made difficult intubations easier to perform, especially prior to muscle relaxant use and minimised dental trauma.

Miller designed his blade by making it straight and longer than the old style medium blade, rounded at the bottom and smaller at the tip with an extra curve two inches from the end. This made difficult intubations easier to perform and minimised dental trauma. He found this suitable for all patients; except children.

In 1946, Miller developed a blade for use in children. He recommended that tracheal intubation under direct visualization was preferable to the common practice of blind passage facilitated by digital palpation of the epiglottis.

Miller designed his blade by making it straight and longer than the old style medium blade, rounded at the bottom and smaller at the tip with an extra curve two inches from the end. This made difficult intubations easier to perform and minimised dental trauma. Initially only the size 2 (medium) was used. Since then laryngoscopes from size 0 (for premature) to 4 are available.

Check our range of Laryngoscope blades.

What is Laryngoscopy?